White Label成立於2008年,由獨立設計師、藝術家、音樂人利用業餘時間自發性組成,White Label的原意是獨立音樂人於發行正式作品前所錄製的White Label版本,代表著最原始的創作面貌。White Label希望能成為一個跨界平台,讓各領域的創作人、觀眾,都能以輕鬆隨性的態度相遇、交流和自我實現。

Established in 2008, White Label is a self-active organization initiated by a group of individual designers, artists, andmusicians with their after-work hours. “White label” originally means the white label version of record by independent musicians before the record is formally published, representing the most original creation. It is hoped that White Label could be a platform for creators in different fields and our audiences to meet each other, to exchange thoughts, and to realize themselves in a casual manner.

2009年,White Label成立線上電台,由台北獨立音樂人自製節目,提供更多元的聆聽視野,為期一年半的時間有超過10萬人收聽。同年9月受到東京野餐俱樂部的啓發,發起台北都市野餐行動,一天就有超過三千名民眾參與,並以紙上藝廊的概念發行White Label paper供民眾免費索取,目前已發行至第二期。

In 2009, white label started to podcast online white label Radio (http://whitelabelradio.blogspot.com/). White label Radio in cooperation with Taipei independent musicians aims to bring Taiwan audiences a variety of music listening experiences. The same year latter, inspired by Tokyo Picnic Club, white label called for Taipeiers to Urban Picnic Action with over 3,000 people participating in one day. Following that, white label issued the free "white label paper" with the concept of mobile gallery which focuses on music, contemporary arts, design, photography, urbanism and postmodernism literature.

『2008一群愛好音樂的年輕人舉辦「WHITE LABEL」活動,目的是為了剝去過度的包裝與宣傳,讓每一個作品都以原始的面貌呈現,創作人用最簡單的方式介紹自己的音樂,在現場贈送或以成本價格販售。隨著活動結束,經過半年時間的蘊釀,2009年這群熱血青年轉戰網路,架設了「WHITE LABEL Radio」。在這個網路電台中,邀請了不同風格的DJ錄製節目,同時也訪問獨立創作者,介紹各類型音樂與動向,而不遵循任何規則‧‧‧在這裡,沒有面孔的人們單純地分享著美好的事物。』


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