


posted by 莉 2 comments  


3/29(sat.) 摩登女郎 沙發戀曲

15:30 不熟的朋友趴踢


16:00 閃閃閃閃

結合電子節拍與日本澀谷系音樂元素,甜美可人的曲調讓人愛不釋手。成立於2005年十月,爾後於2006年2月為旺福暫別演唱會暖場初登場,受到大好評。於2006年春天吶喊之際發行EP一張,兩週後販售完畢。閃閃閃閃的音樂讓人不禁聯想到日本澀谷系音樂始祖Super Car,近來的新作也相當多變,將大量的電子節拍合成器聲響加入歌曲其中,不變的是滿溢的吉他音牆,以及甜美可人的曲調;而曲風也不再只有青春洋溢,而是朝向更深層的精神層面發掘。預計2008年四月發行新EP!
即將發行EP的閃閃閃閃,當天現場將限量販售新歌+舊歌重新混音的 white label!!! 鏘鏘!!!

17:00 Nylas

曾經是時尚且遊走於陽光與黑暗的電音詩人 在看破紅塵後 決定目前要以開懷的心胸來享受人生及做音樂 用生命擁抱自己 擁抱每一顆受傷的心 幸福與愛!

18:30 veraqueen (DJ set)


19:30 這位太太之 黑郎阿牧 (DJ set)


20:30 DJ kay


3/30(sun.) 中華隊 愛的全壘打

15:00 slow motion

Slow Motion的風格同時帶有放克的動感跟搖滾的剛硬,歌曲皆為團員們生活中的感想經驗,對於音樂我們毫不猶豫,也是我們不能抹滅的自白, Slow Motion要帶給大家的是對生活和社會中的想法和體悟,不要輕視自己的渴望,堅持自己的夢想!!!

16:00 馬猴

可能沒想到這麼惡搞的樂團,現在竟還存在著! 沒錯,雖然當時的音樂並不入流,

17:00 damm kidz

印象中好像什麼次文化好像都只有台北有,但龐克卻不然,當時台中有神經樂隊, 混亂之島(挨打一代,前身),售貨員之後有Oi,SillyWhat,碎紙花.....等

18:00 八十八顆芭樂籽

熱愛酒精.棒球.B級美食.B級電影.反對假文藝以及假深度.和打假球,喜歡THE BLUES BROTHER、JAMESBROWN TALKINGHEAD、OZZY OSBOURNE、AEROSMITH。重點不是音樂,重點是他們都會跳莫名其妙的舞步!這就是八十八顆芭樂籽!
融合一切莫名其妙的事.然後把它胡亂捏成一個巨大的球.碾平所有看的到的東西.然後我們手牽著手 開心的大笑. 坐在夕陽下喝啤酒.我最喜歡的事就是和你一起沒深度的躺在馬路上.

19:00 撿骨王的b-movie放映 -- 虎鶴雙形

這一部改編自1976年由王羽、謝玲玲以及陳慧樓所主演功夫片「虎鶴雙形」,本片的編劇、導演以及主角史帝夫歐德柯克,利用現代數位合成技術將自己的臉型圖像以及一些惡搞的鏡頭,如駭客任務躲子彈,在KUNG POW變成躲乳牛奶汁、模仿臥虎藏龍的搞笑對打,將這些新鏡頭和舊片合成在一起,配上無厘頭令人莫名奇妙口白與配音後,就變成了這部爆笑白癡版的「虎鶴雙形」。

more info .... coming soon....


White Label Vol.2 特設音樂市集區

樂器廠牌 / 獨立廠牌 / 音樂寄賣 / 二手黑膠、CD / 音樂人二手衣物 / 樂團 White Label / 行動攤位

樂器廠牌:功學社 東區怪痛音樂工作室
音樂寄賣:節點音樂+human empire的t-shirt默契音樂
樂團White Label:shine shine shine shinehollistar

更多進駐攤位即將公佈 ..


posted by 莉 2 comments  

【樂團】KbN @ austin


REM受矚目 台灣樂團凱比鳥15日表演
【本報奧斯丁訊】奧斯丁著名兩大音樂節之一的「SXSW音樂節」(South By Southwest Festival )12日到16日將盛大登場,知名樂團R.E.M、魔比(Moby)、愛爾蘭歌手范莫里森(Van Morrison)都受邀表演,台灣也有凱比鳥樂團前來共襄盛舉,這個讓全球樂迷爭相朝聖的音樂盛會,將使奧斯丁六街一帶瘋狂熱鬧多日。

第22屆 SXSW音樂節,參加歌手和樂團共1500人,來自33個國家,他們各自在音樂節指定的70個不同據點演出。擁有廣大樂迷的R.E.M,12日晚上12時在Stubb’s ( 801 Red River St.)演出,預計將引爆高潮。來自台灣的電音搖滾樂團「凱比鳥」(KbN),將於15日晚上9時在Elysium(705 Red River St.)表演,他們的作品Sew Up、Blossom是侯孝賢電影「最好的時光」配樂,Urge是姚閎易導演「愛莉絲的鏡子」主題曲。


以一首「You're Beautiful」紅遍全球的英國歌手詹姆士布朗特(James Blunt),成名前就是先在這發聲,令不少音樂製作人驚豔。人潮多、氣氛熱,SXSW自然成為樂迷最佳聯誼場所。


on Austin Fox News

【樂團】Local underground band makes history report by Taipei Times

After 10 years, several lineup changes and a major musical redirection, the members of KbN made history when they played Saturday night at the Elysium club in Austin, Texas

By Ron Brownlow
Monday, Mar 17, 2008, Page 13

KbN played the Elysium club in Austin, Texas, on Saturday night, becoming the first Taiwanese band to perform at the South by Southwest music festival.
When Cheer Hsieh (謝青翰) and Chet Liu (劉鎮) formed KbN (凱比鳥) in the late 1990s, they were just another group of guys with another punk band. Now, 10 years, several lineup changes and a major musical redirection later, the group made history when they played Saturday night at the Elysium club in Austin, Texas, becoming the first Taiwanese act ever to play South by Southwest .

"It was awesome to watch your own people playing on the stage so aggressively," said Ho Tai, a Taiwan-born US resident who drove down from Dallas and waved a Taiwanese flag on the packed dance floor during the band's performance. "I felt like I was one of them," he said. "I felt like I was playing on the stage."

Simply getting invited to SXSW, now regarded as the world's foremost rock festival, is a major honor for a young band like KbN. Only one-tenth of the 8,000 bands that applied were accepted to play at the five-day fest this year.

But KbN's participation has added significance because the band is paving the way for other Taiwanese artists to play here in the future. A survey conducted by Austin Co-op Radio found the station's listeners want to hear more independent music from Asia. And SXSW organizers are keen on putting together a Taiwanese showcase next year.

"They're basically starting this connection that will turn into something that's much bigger than themselves," said Nathan Davis, a Taipei-based musician who plays with KbN and organized their trip to Austin. "It's much bigger than just one band coming to play a show at South by Southwest."

KbN was founded by Hsieh, now 25, and Liu, 26, when the two were classmates at the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (師大附中).

After Bobo Chen (陳映霖) joined the group and dabbling in psychedelic folk, they became an experimental electronica group with the addition of Jerry Fang (方宜正), now 26, and his drum machine in 2000.

The band has survived the departure of several key members, including Liu, and has played at all of Taiwan's major rock festivals. Its music has appeared on compilation albums released by the Ho-Hai-Yan music festival and Taiwanese indie labels White Wabbit and Silent Agreement.

Two years ago, KbN's song Urge (衝動) earned a Golden Horse Award nomination for best original film song for the Hou Hsiao-hsien (侯孝賢) film Three Times (最好的時光).

But their visit to SXSW was only their second trip abroad and their first to a major festival. They played at Elysium on Saturday as part of Japan night, a popular SXSW fixture that tours the US after the festival ends.

"We are going to try to make some connections to bring some other bands from Taiwan next year," Hsieh said on the sidelines of a rehearsal on Wednesday. "I think a lot of Taiwanese bands are way better than us, but we were just lucky to get the chance to come here."

KbN was one of five Taiwanese bands scheduled to play at SXSW this year as part of a planned Taiwanese showcase. The other four bands backed out when it became clear they would not receive financial backing from the government or local cultural organizations. KbN organized several benefit concerts to pay for their expenses and received discounted tickets from United Airlines.

Chen and Hsieh traveled to the US with Davis - Fang's US visa application was rejected - and played shows in San Antonio and at an unofficial South by Southwest showcase, where they were filmed by a local TV station whose reporter introduced them on camera as "the first Taiwanese group to be and perform at South by Southwest."

Taiwanese musician Remi Huang (黃宏駿), 29, who traveled with KbN as a soundman, said the group was ideal for the role.

"Most of the bands in Taiwan really want to say something, but most of the time the things they want to say aren't very interesting. Or they care too much about a particular style of music" he said. "KbN focuses on their music. And they look good, too."

That was certainly the case on Saturday night, when Chen and Hsieh looked comfortable on stage as they layered synthesizer noise and an electric guitar through a keyboard over spare drum 'n' bass-influenced beats. The result sounded unique and avant-garde, but had enough hooks to keep the audience bopping and swaying. At the end of their set, they were joined by Davis on drums, bass player Joe Moody, keyboardist Jimmy Brettell and guitarist Brandon Cobb, for a fuller, funkier sound.

"They didn't seem typical - that's the best way of putting it," said Lee Fraser, who was at the Elysium on Saturday and heard KbN's performance.

Sitting on the club's terrace after the show, as fans approached him to compliment him on his performance, Chen said he was surprised by the enthusiasm and large size of the audience.

Hsieh said he will encourage other underground Taiwanese bands to do their best to participate in SXSW next year.

"We should all come together," he said. "If we have a Taiwan night it would be really fun."

For your information:

To listen to KbN's music and find out more about the band, visit
www.myspace.com/funkbnice or funkbnice.podomatic.com.

【WL.2】虎鶴雙形 呼呼呼!誰來接招!

這一部改編自1976年由王羽、謝玲玲以及陳慧樓所主演功夫片「虎鶴雙形」,本片的編劇、導演以及主角史帝夫歐德柯克,利用現代數位合成技術將自己的臉型圖像以及一些惡搞的鏡頭,如駭客任務躲子彈,在KUNG POW變成躲乳牛奶汁、模仿臥虎藏龍的搞笑對打,將這些新鏡頭和舊片合成在一起,配上無厘頭令人莫名奇妙口白與配音後,就變成了這部爆笑白癡版的「虎鶴雙形」。

3/30 晚上七點 準時放映!

posted by 莉 2 comments  

【概念】Make Cool Paper CD Case!

【分享】我家也有 White Label (三)

分享者:DJ Funkstar
分享物:Snow Patrol - open your eye (marky & bungle remix)

Funkstar:Snow Patrol的open your eye (marky & bungle

1. 第一次購買white label 的時間
19歲,買的是Bad Company - Four Days

2. 覺得white label 在"創作"這件事上代表的意義
我覺得white label有點像是DIY精神的展現,任何都可以做出他自己的音樂,然後不依靠任何廠牌,獨立的發行自己認可的東西

about DJ Funkstar

以快速強悍的Drum & Bass為其招牌風格,擅長利用富有不同風情的鼓打貝斯歌曲炒熱舞池。曾受邀至全台諸多知名舞廳如Luxy、2F、Partyroom、Room 18、Eden、Spin、Bobo's、Sparc、The Wall以及多個大型Outdoor Party擔任客席DJ,更於2005年遠征至英國與中國演出。
並曾與許多國際知名藝人如Bad Company、Ed Rush、Ryme Tyme、Meat Katie、Lee Coombs、Moving Fusion、DJ Fresh、DJ Friction、DJ Aki等同台表演並得到Friction與Aki等人極力讚揚;更為Bad Com-pany團員2004年來台指定之暖場DJ。

【WL.1】完美ending (2008/3/01~02)

好天氣 好朋友 好音樂 好創意 好好玩 好開心 好醉 ...

White Label Vol.1 完美結束 期待3/29. 3/30 再相會

[DAY 1 音樂舞台花絮]

生日快樂 撿骨王!

arron 也來參一咖 金秋畢康 帥!


子傑與假面的手鼓solo time

2 many dijusthai 重低音猛催 跳到翻

鄭平個人秀 DJ spykee 感動邀歌!

space chic 動感好歌不間斷


子傑和假面到服務台前繼續手鼓solo 傳達三鶯部落相關議題

愛蜜莉一登場 台下尖叫聲四起 快點出專輯 大家都很想要

殺羅曼蛇 超屌!台上台下一起跳舞跳舞

[DAY 2 音樂舞台花絮]

horny cigarettes 翻唱好多new order的歌

才藝美少女 Pia 領軍的 The Flow 很有大將之風

也是好久不見的Zag Lope 最近都在忙錄製自己的作品 期待


現場的二手黑膠販售 你家也有很多二手黑膠想要來現場出清嘛?
White Label Vol.2的時候帶來現場吧

posted by Dave Chen 2 comments